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Specializing in a Sport

Specializing in a Sport

Your child plays basketball on Tuesdays, soccer on Thursday and Football on Saturdays…Should he be choosing one sport over another to specialize in? Read on for more information…

Did you know that Kobe Bryant played soccer when he was young? It is hard to imagine Kobe playing any sport but basketball.

Most professional coaches agree that young athletes should not specialize in one sport while growing up. Playing one sport can lead to burnout for the child. By the time the child turns thirteen, the sport may go from being fun to being more of a job. It is important to have your child try a variety of sports when they are young. They do not have to pick the sport they want to specialize in until about fifteen or sixteen.

If your child has more interest in one sport over others, he or she may want to just participate in that sport. As a parent, it is important to protect the athlete and their health. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, signs of sport overload include chronic injuries, illnesses, weight loss, sleep disturbances, and falling grades in school. Make sure your child always thinks the sport is fun and does not become unbearable.
